Prop Trading: Guide to the best brokers for funded accounts

The world of prop trading is constantly evolving. In recent years, the closures of some Prop Firms and sudden changes in the industry have raised questions about the stability of this model. However, demand for proprietary trading continues to grow, prompting FX/CFD brokers to introduce innovative solutions to meet traders ‘ needs.

In this article, we will explore in depth the best alternatives to the traditional Prop Firms model, analyzing the prop trading programs offered by leading brokers and revealing some strategies for obtain funded accounts without facing the challenges and risks associated with traditional challenges.

What Does Prop Trading Mean and Why Is It So Popular?

Prop trading allows traders to trade in financial markets using capital provided by brokers or financial institutions. This means being able to earn significant profits without having to invest their own funds .

The popularity of prop trading is due to several factors:

  • Access to significant capital: Traders can trade larger and potentially more profitable positions.
  • Minimal initial risk: It is not necessary to invest a large amount of capital to start trading.
  • Opportunities for professional growth: Prop trading offers the opportunity to develop your skills trading and build a career in the financial sector.

The Decline of Traditional Prop Firms

Traditional prop firms, based on competitive challenges and rigid contracts, have faced several challenges:

  • Increased competition: The proliferation of prop firms has saturated the market, making it difficult for traders to stand out.
  • Tighterregulation: Regulators have introduced stricter rules, increasing operating costs and restricting the activities of prop firms.
  • Marketinstability : Volatility in financial markets has made it difficult for traders to achieve consistent results, putting pressure on the profitability of prop firms.

New Opportunities: Funded Accounts

To meet these challenges, brokers have introduced new models for working with traders, including funded accounts. These programs offer traders the opportunity to access significant capital without facing the challenges of traditional prop firms.

How do funded accounts work?

  • Initial deposit: A small initial deposit is required to demonstrate your commitment.
  • Performancegoals: You will have to meet specific profit goals to unlock higher levels of funding .
  • ProfitSharing : Profits generated are shared between you and the broker.

Advantages of funded accounts:

  • Flexibility: No challenges to overcome, you can start trading right away.
  • Limitedrisk: Maximum loss is predefined, protecting your capital .
  • Scalability: You can increase your available capital as you achieve positive results.

The Best Prop Trading Brokers and Their Offerings

Several brokers have launched prop trading programs, offering different conditions and opportunities. Some of the most interesting include:

  • Axi Select: Distinguished by its “100% free” model and flexible progression structure. Traders can scale profit levels without time limits and with limited risk. Axi Select offers an innovative approach to the world of prop trading, removing many of the traditional barriers.Unlike other programs that require payment of an initial fee, Axi Select adopts a model based on an initial deposit that remains the property of the trader at all times. This deposit serves as a demonstration of commitment and allows the trader access to an Axi-funded allocation account, where he or she can trade with significantly more capital.One of Axi Select’s most valued features is the program’s flexibility: traders can scale their accounts as they reach certain profit goals, without having to face new challenges. In addition, Axi Select offers an Edge score that allows traders to track their performance and access exclusive benefits.

    The client ‘s risk is limited to only 10% of his capital. For example, if the client pays in 2000 euros, he can lose a maximum of 200 euros.

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  • OANDA Labs Prop Trader: Offers an attractive alternative for traders who wish to access significant capital. This program offers different challenges with varying profit goals, allowing traders to choose the level of risk and reward that best suits their skills.However, it is important to note that, as with many similar programs, OANDA Labs requires passing an initial challenge to access funds. This means that traders will have to demonstrate their ability to trading before they can trade with the capital provided by the platform.
  • Hantec Trader: It is characterized by a more simplified approach to the world of prop trading. The platform offers a clear and transparent structure, with two main paths to access funded accounts: Express Trader and Enhanced Trader.These programs differ mainly in the amount of initial capital and profit goals . One of the most valued features of Hantec Trader is the flexibility it offers traders: once the initial challenge is overcome, it is possible to gradually scale up to higher capital accounts without facing new challenges .
  • IC Markets: One of the world ‘s best-known forex brokers, has launched its funded account program, IC Funded. This program offers traders the opportunity to access significant capital to trade the financial markets.The program offers considerable flexibility, allowing traders to scale their accounts as they reach certain profit goals. However, like many other similar programs, IC Funded requires you to pass an initialchallenge to demonstrate your trading skills.This challenge involves achieving specific profit goals within a defined period of time.

How to Choose the Right Program for You

The choice of prop trading program depends on several factors, including:

  • Tradinggoals: Long-term or short-term?
  • Experiencelevel: Beginner, intermediate or expert?
  • Availability of capital: How much are you willing to invest initially?
  • Risktolerance: How much risk are you willing to take?

Comparison of Offerings

Account Sizes
$39-999 (refundable)
No fees, but min equity

from $500-4000
Max Leverage
Profit Target
8% in Phase 1

5% in Phase 2
10% (Express)

10%/5% (Enhanced)
10% in Phase 1

5% in Phase 2

(Allocation Account)
Loss Limits
5% daily - 10% total
5% daily - 6/10% total
5% daily - 10% total
10% total
Profit Split
Up to 90%
Up to 90%
Up to 80%
Up to 90%
MT4 - MT5
MT4 - MT5
MT4 - MT5 - CTrader
MT4 - AXI Platform

Conclusions and Advanced Strategies

Prop trading offers a unique opportunity for traders to realize their financial goals . However, it is critical to choose the right program and adopt a sound trading strategy. Investetica can help you make the right choice.

Watch the exclusive video with the only method that allows you to get funds to trade!

Warning: Trading involves risk and could lead to loss of invested capital. It is essential to properly inform yourself and make an accurate assessment before you start trading.

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